Peoples WASH Solution LLP

Peoples WASH Solution LLP

Products & Offering

Measured Irrigation Devices for water conservation

Measured Irrigation devices help you to reduce your water footprints by more than 50% with a small investment in beginning. Do reach out to us for feasibility analysis and advice on right devices for measured irrigation.

Water Softeners

We advice and provide for appropriate low cost water softeners based on water quality testing .

Water Filters and Waste Water Purification Products

We advice and provide water filters and bio products for waste water and odour control at low costs

Waterless Urinals

This saves at least 2-3 liters of water every flush and can be retrofitted in existing urinals. This is useful for all the institutional buildings and public toilets. It helps you to reduce your water footprint and get a green building certification easily. 

Smart water meters and IOT

We advice and provide smart meters and IOT based solutions for water and waste water industry at minimum of costs

Plants for air purification and water conservation at community level

We design , develop and undertake projects on developing micro forests and miawalki forests with support from CSR.

Ground Water Monitoring Devices from Bore wells /Tube Wells / Aqufer mapping through Bhujal App

We are exclusive partner to Bhujal App ( Water Lab Pvt. Ltd, Pune) for state of Uttar Pradesh and help you monitoring your ground water using this app at minimum costs and provide advisory and consulting services for ground water recharge.

Indoor Air Purifiers

We design and develop plant based solutions that help to improve your indoor air quality and monitor it for good health.